Life Form
- Research Project

“The secret of the turtle shell”

*picture from The research from RIKEN “The secret of the turtle shell”, July 10, 2009

Adults have 206 bones and 639 muscles. Each bone and muscle has different characteristics and structure. I focused on the structure of each bone and tried to make it "manageable". The life form will be changed from the bone to the whole skeleton. I will try to make it an "application" or "plug-in" that will help the user to create the basic structure of a human or animal or even a plant and then export the data to be used in different ways.


“The Island of Doctor Moreau”

H. G. Wells, 1896

The Island of Doctor Moreau is an 1896 science fiction novel written by H. G. Wells. It is told from the point of view of a man named Edward Prendick who is shipwrecked, rescued by a passing boat, and then left at the ship's destination by the crew along with the ship's cargo of exotic animals. The island is home to a scientist named Doctor Moreau, who is conducting bizarre and cruel experiments on the animals he has imported, attempting to create sentient beings out of animals. The novel deals with numerous philosophical themes, including the need to take responsibility for the things we create, the question of what makes a man a man, the cruelty of nature and of man, and the dangers of trying to control nature.


Scapular transformation


Life Form Research Sketch - Ulna/Radius

drawing, W25*H34cm


Life Form Research Sketch - Humerus

drawing, W25*H34cm


Life Form Research Sketch - Sitting

drawing, W30*H22cm


Life Form Research Sketch - Rib Cage

drawing, W30*H22cm


Life Form Research Sketch - Front

drawing, W60*H180cm


Life Form Research Sketch - Back

drawing, W60*H180cm
